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Category Archive for 'Schwinn Suburban'

Man, I had about the best ride home that I’ve had in ages. It was raining, and the temperature was just about perfect. I was on my singlespeed road bike, and the stars aligned, the elements balanced, and it was jut fucking awesome is all. It was one of those nights when traffic was playing […]

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It’s raining. Which means no trail riding for Michelle tonight. Fie! Woe! Crapitty-creap-crap-crap. And maybe I’ll do the brakes on the Schwinn in the interim, and go ride that around a bit tomorrow. I thought it might actually be easier to pick stuff up off the ground from that bike, since it basically doesn’t have […]

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I haul all sorts of shit, either strapped to myself or a package rack. This is about the best way I’ve come up with to tote a wheel. Bunjie around the rim, then crossed over to one of the straps that holds the bag shut. Do the same on the opposite side of the rim, […]

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So. Do you know what 70+ bicycles parked in front of a bar looks like? It looks about like how the world ought to work. the photo heading this entry was taken just prior to the mass start. We all laid our bikes down in the parking lot (it’s traditional) and lined up against the […]

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1. My favorite Beavis & Butthead episode ever! Buttniks. Crrrrappuchino, a rrrrap-pa-pa-pa-pa-pah! 2. My freshman year of college, me and two of my dorm neighbors used to eat a bunch of Pixie Stix and drink Mountain Dew, then run around the dorm halls with our shirts pulled up over our heads, acting like Cornholio. 3. […]

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Crossposted to Well, that crusty old Schwinn that my folks dropped off at the end of August has been brought back to life. I got some rubber under it today, dicked around with the brakes for about two hours (I wish I were kidding) and finally launched the old beast on her born-again-virgin maiden voyage. […]

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Did you ever have one of those days where you were inadvisably flatulent and you couldn’t find any reasonably socially acceptable place to relieve pressure? Because I can tell you that those days really suck. Now, I’ve been known to deploy retaliatory flatulence when fighting dirty, but thankfully those days are behind me now, and […]

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Well, I was working on that old bike tonight. I took the crank out today and cleaned the bearings and re-packed them. I also took the bearings out of the rear wheel, cleaned them, and re-packed that. I’m happy with how the crank spins now–smooth and silent, but the rear hub still seems a little […]

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I’m chock full of happy. I’ve got myself a project bike and it’s so stinkin’ cool. It’s a 1970-something Schwinn Suburban ladies’ bike. (*snerk* I’m planning on going around telling people I just got a Suburban). It’s right now half stripped in my living room; I’ve got everything off I could get off with an […]

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