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Category Archive for 'Things I like & Things I don’t like'

Acclaimed humor site The Oatmeal has a running series of comics called “Minor Differences” wherein situations go from great to gruesome with the addition or omission of some small factor. Examples are: the cuteness of a woman wearing just a tee-shirt versus the creepiness of a man wearing just a tee-shirt or the difference in […]

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Mansfield Park by Jane Austen My rating: 3 of 5 stars I recently read an annotated version of Mansfield park, and while the book was fascinating from a historical and informational perspective, I found the story and writing itself rather heavy-handed. I believe that of Austen’s novels, this one has aged the least gracefully. Fanny […]

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So, I’ll give you the good news first. The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox would have had a hard time being any better. When I finished it, I wanted to start reading it all over again from the beginning and enjoy it once more. It was a letdown that it ended. It was the sort […]

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You probably have seen this video that is making the rounds, of a surprisingly articulate little girl being coached by her Dad through a Socratic discussion on gender marketing of toys. While I applaud the family for encouraging their kid to think about marketing and gender expectations, I find myself more than a little bit […]

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Lately, I’ve been seeing little girls just wearing fancy dresses for normal wear. Like they have a dress leftover from a stint of flower-girling, and instead of just letting it molder in the closet until it is outgrown, then fobbing it off on Goodwill, the parents are letting the kid just go ahead and get […]

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I pass by this church every morning on my way to work, and every morning, I get a wee case of the grumpies from this: The first half zillion times I passed by it, I just thought, “oh, a phone box. You don’t see many of those around anymore. Darn convenient when you do need […]

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New minifeature over here. I’ve decided that I can’t waste all of my brainfarts on Twitter or Facebook. Not when I’ve got a perfectly good blog to yammer on. So now, occasionally, I’ll post pairs of things that I have liked and disliked recently. I like riding past a house at night that has the […]

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