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Category Archive for 'Fashion'

Once upon a time, I owned the most awesome, perfect, kick-assedy boots that ever kicked ass. They were fuckin’ rad, and I wore the everloving crap out of them. My classmates at school thought they were awful, and I took a lot of guff for my big stompy boots (oddly, during an era when it […]

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Button boots, baby! I’ve wanted a pair of button-top, French Heeled, old-style shoes for AGES. Like perhaps since my ‘Tween years, What can I say? I’ve always had an urge for Fin de siècle fashions. I rarely buy shoes, from the Internet or otherwise, so these were a bit of a splurge, but they are […]

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Enough with the gutter-based content. Today, I want to show you this My fingernails are really shiny, sparkly silver. All day long it has been making me cheerful to see them twinkling as I have gone about my work duties and stuff. This combination of cheap nailpolishes was a real winner: One coat of the […]

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Do you ever read something and just find your face stuck like this ? Yeah, so I read a woman’s blog entry recently that just made one eye squinch up, while the other bugged out, and my mouth perhaps went “wha’ th’…you have got to be kidding me…the hell you say…” and maybe something incoherent […]

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Sometimes I click on the sidebar ads on Facebook, so as to sort of pay for the service, you know. So today, there were a really cute pair of shorts on the sidebar…neon green and shocking pink diamond patterned hotpants. Completely obnoxious and inappropriate for everything, but also totally eye-catching. Which, I’m sure was the […]

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Lately, I’ve been seeing little girls just wearing fancy dresses for normal wear. Like they have a dress leftover from a stint of flower-girling, and instead of just letting it molder in the closet until it is outgrown, then fobbing it off on Goodwill, the parents are letting the kid just go ahead and get […]

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Talking Pants

I read Mimi Smartypants’s latest entry the other day and got to thinking about the ridiculous text on things. The one that came to mind immediately was from a pair of pants I no longer own – the brand name was “Dream Big,” and a little piece of embroidered ribbon proclaimed such on one of […]

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One of my nerdtastical quirks is that whenever I make or acquire some new clothes, I like to try them on with a bunch of my existing wardrobe to see how well they integrate. Over the course of several years, I have worked toward a wardrobe wherein the majority of components are interchangeable. I am […]

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Some while back, I took it upon myself to acquire about 3 yards of SCREAMING ORANGE corduroy.  At the time, my intention was to replace my beloved and utterly worn out orange pants of yesteryear. Yes, I am the sort of woman who will wear a pair of orange corduroy jeans so often as to […]

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I was reading the erstwhile blog of Rob Coombes, musician and former astrophysicist, most well known as the keyboard player in Supergrass. He’s an amusing man, and I wish he’d return to his blog – it is a lot of fun. Anyway, what got me going today was another abandoned blog, of which he’d been […]

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