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Category Archive for 'Words I Like'

Oh man, I have brainmeats problems. A month or so ago I read an article online where this guy decided to try recipes or foodstuffs mentioned in The Simpsons. I laughed myself silly, as you do. Especially over the notion of Corn Nog, which sounds really fucking disgusting. I mean! Almost as bad as fuzzy […]

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As I mentioned yesterday, I had a grand night out on Saturday, and among the diverting and pleasant facets of the night, I met a lutenist (I restrained myself from making terrible puns along the lines of “luter/looter” because I can be mature/not-a-complete-asshole, with some amount of effort). Yon fellow is a great devotee of […]

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If you’re a fan of Zippy the Pinhead, you probably know that Zippy sometimes gets obsessed with an interesting word or turn of phrase and will get “stuck” repeating it like a mantra. If you’ve hung around me or my website for very long, you know that this is a commonality I share with Zippy. […]

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Talking Pants

I read Mimi Smartypants’s latest entry the other day and got to thinking about the ridiculous text on things. The one that came to mind immediately was from a pair of pants I no longer own – the brand name was “Dream Big,” and a little piece of embroidered ribbon proclaimed such on one of […]

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Words which are not at all rude but can sound that way if spoken in the right tone: buzzard crust ramrod gizzard fusty crock bustard golden custard plugging sun on the beach Words and Phrases which are very rude, but also make no earthly sense cock-smoker Cockswoggler cock-gobbler scrote-weasel turd-bailer fuck-bucket assbasket Gratutious silly words […]

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For reasons that make no earthly sense to me or anyone else (I’d wager) I’m rather unnecessarily fond of the word “loaf.” I find it funny. Meat-loaf. Nut-loaf. Loaf of bread. No loafing. Kitty-loaf. Hlaf-weard. Meatloaf is mostly funny because of the burly pop-rock musician who goes by that stage name. ‘Tis the season for […]

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You know those crinkly, tissue-paper toilet seat covers you get in a lot of public restrooms? I once worked with a woman who called them “butt doilies.” Another woman I knew called them “butt gaskets.” Considering that adding the word “butt” to just about anything instantly makes it funny, and considering that I’m unnaturally enamored […]

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As a pet-owner, I have many nicknames for my pets, individually and collectively. I figured what the heck, I might as well highlight a bit of the silliness that is my life with critters. This one is Minnie Pearl. Mostly known as Minnie, but also as “dammit, kitty,” “kittygirl” “Little Miss” “Pesty-pest,” “small-cat,” “dumbass,” “Satan,” […]

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Once upon a time in Kansas City, there was a florist on about 31st & Gillham called Ed’s Dainty Corsages, and it was fabulous! Then the business name changed to the much less fabulous House of Flowers and to compensate for the lack of incongruity in their name, they acquired two lovely huge murals, a […]

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1. Confession time! (oh, this is going to be fun!) I sometimes confuse or conflate various celebrities or famous people, because I don’t follow their doings closely and maybe they look kind of alike, or have similar names. For example, I can’t ever keep David Duchovny & George Clooney straight in my mind. Back in […]

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