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Category Archive for 'Trashboat Shenanigans'

Saturday, July 14, 2012, I was up and at ’em at the crack of 7:00 a.m. By golly, I had shit to do, and a finite amount of time in which to do it. I had provisions to lay in, prizes to prepare, and most importantly, I needed to go scavenge up a few more […]

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Well, well, well, well, well! Another Regatta has passed with no deaths, arrests, or maulings by invasive Asiatic Carp, so I guess we can chalk up yet another successful run down the Missouri. So last Thursday evening, our back porch looked like this. My neighbors love me. On Wednesday night, I was prowling throughout Strawberry […]

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because I got wolf-whistled while armpits deep in a garbage can in downtown Kansas City Kansas. The absurdity of the situation just tickled me eight shades of pink. KCKS guys have basically no standards, nor dignity. I mean, srsly? But sexual harrassment and foul odors nonetheless, i think I got enough bottles for my boat […]

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On my way home from work today, I rode past some very busy fireworks stands in the West Bottoms. If you know Kansas City, you might know about James Street and the half dozen or so semi-abandond buildings that become explosives emporia in the week leading up to Independence day. Being as today is The […]

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I decided to not do the Dirty Kanza 200 this year. As it turns out, I really didn’t have that much fun the last two times I did it, and for pity’s sake, riding 200 miles alone on the dusty dirt roads of the Ass-Back of Kansas is optional. So, I’ve decided that I’m going […]

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I know I’ve mentioned it, but the ad-hoc chariot races are on for Friday. It’s so official, there’s even a Facebook thingy for it. I’m so stoked I can hardly think straight…this is top quality stupidity on offer here. Then on Saturday, the season opener for the KC Roller Sprints kicks off at Harling’s. Should […]

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The formidable prow of my trashboat veered toward a parked car. I corrected, and the whole thing lurched toward the oncoming lane. I corrected again and nearly lumbered straight into the curb in my own lane. I could see that this was going to be a very long half mile ahead of me, and I […]

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Yep, it’s gonna be one of those days and one of these entries. 1. They’ve been playing some butt-ass-awful music at work lately. Like worse than usual, and usual appears to be Adult-Contemporary Hits of the 1980s and ’90s. The recent streak of aural atrocities however, really has me scratching my head. Are they trying […]

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Basically, a trashboat is any bicycle powered or bicycle-towed “boat” that doesn’t sink or break apart under its own ill-considered engineering. Buckets, bottles, and barrels are the most common pontoons, though you can make a trashboat out of just about anything, so long as it floats and can either be ridden or towed to the launch site. If your trashboat is a trailer, you need to consider how to secure your bike to it so that you can tow it back to ACME for the after party.

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Six months until the First Annual Kansas City Trashboat Regatta. Put that on you calendar. Sometime in mid-June, you will, if you are lucky, be floating down the Big Muddy in a home-built contraption based on salvage, bicycles, and cuss words. And maybe a little duct tape, a few zip-ties, and some hope. Crews are […]

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